This article will make your head spin! The son (Yair
Netanyahu) of Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, apparently posted on
his Facebook page an image that "appeared to be a local take on a classic
anti-Semitic cartoon suggesting that Jews control the United States. It has
appeared widely on extreme right websites. In this instance, it depicted his
father’s perceived foes: American Jewish billionaire philanthropist and
investor George Soros, outspoken former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak,
activist Eldad Yaniv and Meni Naftali, a former housekeeper for the Netanyahus
who successfully sued them for mistreatment."
This is a classic antisemitic meme, in this case tailored to
attack PM Netanyahu's opponents which include Ehud Barak and other bogeymen
such as George Soros. The fact that it falsely attacks Jews other than
Netanyahu does not change the fact it is a bigoted fake news meme. How can we
be sure of this? David Duke tweeted “Welcome to the club, Yair — absolutely
amazing, wow, just wow.” If it has David Duke's seal of approval, you know it's
wrong. But Duke was restrained compared to the so-called President loving Daily
Stormer: “Yair Netanyahu is a total bro,” Andrew Anglin wrote in the neo-Nazi
Daily Stormer. “Next he’s going to call for gassings.” Read it all in the
article linked below.
Apologists for the extreme right, who typically support the
right wing Netanyahu, will claim that this isn't bigotry - George Soros and his
cronies really DO control the U.S. It's just fact they'll say. Then they'll say
that criticizing Netanyahu is the real antisemitism! Their brains are so
What could have lead a 19 year old Israeli to think this
post was OK? Stupidity? His parents influence? Did you know that Israeli police
are readying a criminal indictment of Mrs. Netanyahu for personal corruption?
What a family! I'm sure this was just a terrible misunderstanding. Yeah, right.
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