Friday, October 20, 2017

Graceless so-called President

The so-called President claims President Obama did not call the families of fallen soldiers and implied that he did not call Gen. John Kelly when his son was killed in Afghanistan.

A few things about this:

First, no one had asked the so-called President whether HE had called the families of fallen soldiers. HE instigated this politicization of this issue ALL BY HIMSELF when he failed to answer a question about what had happened in Niger and instead chose to falsely bash previous previous presidents for not calling such families. ( )

Second, Gen. Kelly did not ask that the so-called President publicize the fact that Obama did not call him after his son's death. ( )

Third, President Obama, may not have directly called Gen. Kelly, "but a person familiar with the breakfast for Gold Star Families at the White House on May 30, 2011, told NBC News that Kelly and his wife attended the private event and were seated at first lady Michelle Obama’s table." (NBC News, below)

OK, maybe they did not speak on the phone but they did have breakfast at an event specifically for the families of fallen soldiers. Gen. Kelly sat at Michelle Obama's table.


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