Friday, October 20, 2017

Shouldthe NFL "fire those sons of bitches"?

Should someone be fired if they brag about sexually assaulting women? Is it worse to kneel during the National Anthem to bring attention to the disparity of the use of force by police against minorities or to brag about sexually assaulting women?

Should someone be fired if they mock a disabled person for their disability? Is it worse to kneel during the National Anthem to bring attention to the disparity of the use of force by police against minorities or to mock a disabled person for their disability?

Should someone be fired if they insult an American who was a prisoner of war for being captured? Is it worse to kneel during the National Anthem to bring attention to the disparity of the use of force by police against minorities or to insult an American who was a prisoner of war for being captured?

Should someone be fired if they insult the family of an American killed in service to their country? Is it worse to kneel during the National Anthem to bring attention to the disparity of the use of force by police against minorities or to insult the family of an American killed in service to their country?

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