Sunday, January 22, 2017

Alternative Facts = TheTrump administration's normalization of lies

Have you seen this?  .

In this clip from NBC's "Meet the Press," with host Chuck Todd, Trump spokesperson Kellyane Conway defended Trump press secretary Sean Spicer as merely offering "alternative facts" in place of the truth regarding the size of the crowds attending Trump's inauguration in a no-questions press conference the day after the inauguration.

Let there be no mistake.  Of five widely reported items in the news that Spicer wanted to dispute, four of Spicer's conflicting versions of the truth were clearly false - probably outright lies if any effort had been made to check on their veracity.

The only item that Spicer got correct - that a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. had been removed by the Trump staff, was, in fact, false was quickly confirmed by the reporter who originally got it wrong.  A phone call from the White House to the reporter would have sufficed to get the record set straight, get the correction and probably an apology.

The other four items regarding crowd sizes, however, are fact as reported by the media originally as far as anyone can determine.  No evidence to the contrary was presented by Spicer.  Spicer, at best, was dead wrong, and most likely, lying deliberately.

So what  did Kellyanne say that is even more important than the lies of Sean Spicer?  Here is the exchange:

Conway: "Don't be so overly dramatic about it, Chuck. You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're giving — our press secretary, Sean Spicer, gave alternative facts to that. But the point really is —"

Chuck Todd:  “Wait a minute. Alternative facts? Alternative facts? Four of the five facts he uttered . . . were just not true. Alternative facts are not facts; they're falsehoods.”

In the first day on the job, Press Secretary Sean Spicer lies about 80% of the indisputable facts he disputed, with almost a 100% certainty that he was ordered to do so by President Trump and then was wholeheartedly defended the next day by top adviser Kellyanne Conway.

 Conway wondered why Chuck Todd was "laughing" at her during the interview.  She is right.  This is no laughing matter and the media would be wise to not treat this as a joke any longer.  This is sick and dangerous.

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